Using custom tags with Navidrome

How to import and use custom tags in Navidrome. This page explains the available options to configure custom tags, including aliases, tag type, maximum length, custom separators and album-level settings.


As all tags imported are stored and indexed in the database, to improve performance and reduce storage requirements, Navidrome only imports a predefined set of tags. The complete list of default tags imported are listed here.

However, Navidrome supports importing and using custom tags from your music files. Custom tags allow you to extend the metadata beyond the default supported tags. This functionality can be configured via the configuration file.

Configuring custom tags

Custom tags are defined under the Tags configuration section. A custom tag configuration accepts the following properties:

  • Aliases: A list of all alternative names that can found in your music files, but should be considered the same tag. Ex: album artist, albumartist. This is a required field.
  • Type: Specifies the type of data stored in the tag. It can be used to validate or transform values. Supported types are int,float, date, uuid. If not specified, the tag will be treated as a string.
  • MaxLength: The length limit for the tag value. Default is 1024 characters.
  • Album: A boolean flag indicating whether this tag applies to an album rather than an individual track.
  • Split: Tags are always considered multivalued, but you can specify a list of delimiters used to split a tag value into multiple entries.

Note that tags are case-insensitive, so you don’t need to specify all possible case variations in the Aliases list.

Example configuration

Below is an example of how to set up custom tag options in your configuration file.

Tags.mycustomtag.Aliases = ["mycustomtag", "customtag"]
Tags.mycustomtag.MaxLength = 50
Tags.mycustomtag.Album = false
Tags.mycustomtag.Split = ["; ", " / "]

In this example, the custom tag mycustomtag is configured with two aliases, a type of string (default), and a maximum length of 50 characters. Additionally, it sets the splitting delimiters so that if a tag value contains ; or / it will be split into multiple values.

Common use cases

Here are some common use cases for custom tags.

Adding a new tag for disambiguation

By default, Navidrome uses MusicBrainz IDs to identify albums and tracks. However, if your music library is tagged with information from other DBs, like Discogs, you can add custom tags to store the Discogs IDs.


Tags.discogs_release_id.Aliases = ['DISCOGS_RELEASE_ID']
PID.Album = 'discogs_release_id|albumartistid,album,albumversion,releasedate'

See the PID configuration for more information on how to configure album disambiguation.

Disabling tags

Any custom tag found in your music files, but not defined with the Tags configuration option will be ignored by Navidrome. If you need to disable a tag that is already imported by default, you can do so by defining it in the configuration file with an empty list of aliases.

Example: disabling the subtitle tag

Tags.subtitle.Aliases = []

Changing separators

The preferable way to have multivalued tags is to use your tag editor and add multiple values for the same tag. However, if your library is already tagged with multiple values separated by a known delimiter, you can configure Navidrome to split the tag value by that delimiter into multiple entries. Just keep in mind that this can have unwanted side effects if the delimiter is used in other contexts. (Ex: using '/' as an artist delimiter can break artists like AC/DC, '&' as a delimiter can break artists like Simon & Garfunkel)

Example: Splitting the artist tag by \ and ;

Tags.artist.Aliases = [ "tpe1", "artist", "©art", "author", "iart" ]
Tags.artist.Split = ['\', '; ']

Adding tags for custom filtering/sorting in Smart Playlists

If you want to create a Smart Playlist that filters or sorts by a custom tag, you can define the tag in the configuration file, then use it in the Smart Playlist as a regular field.