How to Use Smart Playlists in Navidrome (Beta)

Learn how to create and manage Smart Playlists in Navidrome, a dynamic way to organize and enjoy your music collection.

Smart Playlists in Navidrome offer a dynamic way to organize and enjoy your music collection. They are created using JSON objects stored in files with a .nsp extension. These playlists are automatically updated based on specified criteria, providing a personalized and evolving music experience.

Creating Smart Playlists

To create a Smart Playlist, you need to define a JSON object with specific fields and operators that describe the criteria for selecting tracks. The JSON object is stored in a .nsp file Here are some examples to get you started:

Example 1: Recently Played Tracks

This playlist includes tracks played in the last 30 days, sorted by the most recently played.

  "name": "Recently Played",
  "comment": "Recently played tracks",
  "all": [
    {"inTheLast": {"lastPlayed": 30}}
  "sort": "lastPlayed",
  "order": "desc",
  "limit": 100

Example 2: 80’s Top Songs

This playlist features top-rated songs from the 1980s.

  "all": [
    { "any": [
      {"is": {"loved": true}},
      {"gt": {"rating": 3}}
    {"inTheRange": {"year": [1981, 1990]}}
  "sort": "year",
  "order": "desc",
  "limit": 25

Example 3: Favourites

This playlist includes all loved tracks, sorted by the date they were loved.

  "all": [
    {"is": {"loved": true}}
  "sort": "dateLoved",
  "order": "desc",
  "limit": 500

Example 4: All Songs in Random Order

This playlist includes all songs in a random order. Note: This is not recommended for large libraries.

  "all": [
    {"gt": {"playCount": -1}}
  "sort": "random",
  // limit: 1000 // Uncomment this line to limit the number of songs

Creating Smart Playlists using the UI

Currently Smart Playlists can only be created by manually editing .nsp files. We plan to add a UI for creating and editing Smart Playlists in future releases.

In the meantime, if you want a graphical way to create playlists, you can use Feishin, a desktop/web client for Navidrome, that supports creating Smart Playlists:

Smart Playlists created/edited in Feishin will be available in Navidrome UI as soon as they are saved.

Importing Smart Playlists

Smart Playlists are imported the same way as regular (.m3u) playlists, during the library scan. Place your .nsp files in any folder in your library or the path specified by the PlaylistsPath configuration. Navidrome will automatically detect and import these playlists.

Managing Smart Playlists

Visibility and Ownership

  • Visibility: To make a Smart Playlist accessible to all users, set it to ‘public’. This is crucial if you want to use it in another .nsp file (with inPlaylist and notInPlaylist).
  • Ownership: By default, Smart Playlists are owned by the first admin user. You can change the ownership in the Playlists view to allow other users to manage them.

User-Specific Playlists

Smart Playlists based on user interactions (e.g., play count, loved tracks) are automatically updated based on the owner’s interactions. If you want personalized playlists for each user, create separate .nsp files for each user and assign ownership accordingly.

Refreshing Playlists

Smart Playlists are refreshed automatically when they are accessed by the UI or any Subsonic client. This ensures that the playlist is up-to-date when you view it. To avoid unnecessary load, there is a minimum delay between refreshes. This delay can be adjusted by setting the SmartPlaylistRefreshDelay configuration option. By default, this is set to 5s, meaning that Smart Playlists refreshes are spaced at least 5 seconds apart. You can adjust this value in the configuration file.

Troubleshooting Common Issues

Playlist Not Showing Up

If a Smart Playlist is not showing up in the Navidrome UI, check the following:

  • Check the logs for any errors during the library scan.
  • Ensure the .nsp file is in the correct folder and has the correct permissions.
  • Ensure the file is correctly formatted and does not contain any syntax errors. Tip: Use a JSON validator to check the file (ex:
  • Check the playlist’s visibility and ownership settings.

Referencing Other Playlists

When referencing another playlist by ID (using the operator inPlaylist), ensure that the referenced playlist is not another Smart Playlist unless it is set to ‘public’. This ensures proper functionality.

Special Characters in Conditions

If you encounter issues with conditions like contains or endsWith, especially with special characters like underscores (_), be aware that these might be ignored in some computations. Adjust your conditions accordingly.

Sorting by multiple fields

Currently, sorting by multiple fields is not supported.

Deleting Users with Shared Smart Playlists

If you encounter issues deleting users with shared Smart Playlists, check if the playlists are used by other users. See this issue for details.

Editing Playlists

To change the rules of a Smart Playlist, you need to edit the .nsp file directly (or use Feishin). Changes are automatically detected during the next library scan. The list of tracks in a Smart Playlist is read-only and cannot be edited directly.

Additional Resources


Here’s a table of fields you can use in your Smart Playlists:

Field Description
title Track title
album Album name
hascoverart Track has cover art
tracknumber Track number
discnumber Disc number
year Year of release
date Recording date
originalyear Original year
originaldate Original date
releaseyear Release year
releasedate Release date
size File size
compilation Compilation album
dateadded Date added to library
datemodified Date modified
discsubtitle Disc subtitle
comment Comment
lyrics Lyrics
sorttitle Sorted track title
sortalbum Sorted album name
sortartist Sorted artist name
sortalbumartist Sorted album artist name
albumtype Album type
albumcomment Album comment
catalognumber Catalog number
filepath File path, relative to the MusicFolder
filetype File type
duration Track duration
bitrate Bitrate
bitdepth Bit depth
bpm Beats per minute
channels Audio channels
loved Track is loved
dateloved Date track was loved
lastplayed Date track was last played
playcount Number of times track was played
rating Track rating
  • Dates must be in the format "YYYY-MM-DD".
  • Booleans must not be enclosed in quotes. Example: { "is": { "loved": true } }.
  • filepath is relative to your music library folder. Ensure your paths are correctly specified without the /music prefix (or whatever value you set in MusicFolder).

Any tags imported from the music files, that are not listed above, can be also used as fields in your Smart Playlists. Check the complete list of tags imported by navidrome. You can also add your own custom tags to your music files and use them in your Smart Playlists. Check the Custom Tags for more information.


Here’s a table of operators you can use in your Smart Playlists:

Operator Description Argument type
is Equal String, Number, Boolean
isNot Not equal String, Number, Boolean
gt Greater than Number
lt Less than Number
contains Contains String
notContains Does not contain String
startsWith Starts with String
endsWith Ends with String
inTheRange In the range (inclusive) Array of two numbers or dates
before Before Date ("YYYY-MM-DD")
after After Date ("YYYY-MM-DD")
inTheLast In the last Number of days
notInTheLast Not in the last Number of days
inPlaylist In playlist Another playlist’s ID (see below)
notInPlaylist Not in playlist Another playlist’s ID (see below)

The nature of the field determines the argument type. For example, year and tracknumber require a number, while title and album require a string.

To get a playlist’s ID to be used in inPlaylist and notInPlaylist, navigate to the playlist in the Navidrome UI and check the URL. The ID is the last part of the URL after the /playlists/ path:

Last modified March 9, 2025: Update docs to 0.55.0 (#190) (97e3885)